Alma Peterson

Data Scientist

Albert Einstein famously said, “everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” That’s certainly the case with industrial AI. If business goals are truly driving your AI projects, your team’s excitement about various AI techniques and technologies should inform, but not drive, their ultimate technology direction.


Miro Budimir


Industrial AI lets enterprises better monitor, optimize, and control their physical operations and systems. Doing so leads to greater visibility and situational awareness, improved planning and decision-making, and increased efficiency and productivity.

AI’s rapidly growing capability and maturity, combined with the high levels of automation found in modern industrial environments, has created a window of opportunity for forward- looking companies to leap ahead of the competition.

Not if but when? Now is the time.


Emily Cho

Business analyst

While we generally advise against the pursuit of technology for technology’s sake, we believe the impact of AI to be so dramatic that it is important to prioritize exploratory AI investments. However, even when the initial investment decision is driven by a desire to build AI competency, as soon as a commitment to invest has been made, it becomes critical to shift focus to business problems.